Staring at the Job Board While My Son Applies to Be a Line Cook

If I could start again I would be something
else, a nurse on shifts so I could still
help and be home for putting them
to bed or I would use my hands more
and learn electrical systems or better
yet be a plumber and like my grandfather
have a trade and know about gaskets and
unclogging and not only be able to fix
things but have the kind of job where 
people are only ever happy to see you—
I want to bring that kind of unrestrained
relief and joy to you so when I show up 
at your door and unclog your one toilet
or drain your sink I am really fixing your
entire day, and what’s more I would be
showing you just how simple it could be
to suffer, make a call, and then have me
fix it all and you can go back into your
day, into your house and love it with
renewed vigor, it works now. It works.
