So, we wander

Act 1   His head crescents down and then traces the curve back up slow and I can tell there should be a smile where his mouth used to be.  He swipes the field of dust on the barroom floor slow with his right foot in freshly polished black leather shoes, neatly double knotted laces, […]

The Harvest is Late

Coffee Years before cancer spread in the marrow of his bones and he sat quiet at first and he told me to drink it black, I sat with him for his morning coffee for the first time and I could tell his curiosities were sitting just under the surface of words. I lit a cigarette […]

He Tells Me

I can’t hear the hiss of my cigarette over the city waking up around me, and the sky looks like she’s not done with the rain yet, and I wait for the number four to take me downtown to meet Will. He called me yesterday, and when I answered, Will didn’t say anything until he […]