A Request of My Lips

About sixty or so of us wearing our white guardapolvos, stood on ascending steps facing the piano, at our elementary school auditioning for choir. The music teacher asked us to sing our country’s anthem first, then the song about the flag. I knew then—God knows— that my voice rose angelically above every singing boy’s in […]

The Geology of Joy

Most people who study the geology of joy, are first attracted by the lushness of its forests,  the deep green resembling the first time you fell in love, or the snow-capped mountains that you remember ascending, pulling at the rope of your grandfather’s words. The landscape is utterly awe-inspiring,  you wouldn’t want to live anywhere […]

Summer Music

the breeze this summer is more austerely rationed than    wartime bread thank God for the crickets’ generosity, filling stale air with music July has been uncertain, filled with rumors of mortality, and    August has not helped, and my wife carries the worrying for our son like a shroud the porch is a church tonight as […]